October 18, 2023
5:15 pm
Attend Event

October's Midweek Inspiration 💡

45 minutes
via Zoom
Networking Event

Are you someone who is curious and loves to learn new things and meet like-minded individuals? Great! 🙌

We invite you to join us for Midweek Inspiration, a monthly social networking session with one super simple agenda - you simply just come with something you've learned or been inspired by in the past week.

Whether it's a new thought-provoking podcast, an interesting experience you had, or a recent project you've been working on, Midweek Inspiration is the perfect place to share what you've learned and connect with others who are also passionate about continuous learning and development.

The goal is to create a space for open discussion, collaboration, and community, where we can inspire and be inspired, and learn from one another in a supportive and engaging environment.

So, if this sounds interesting for you, please RSVP.

Remember to bring your favorite nugget of inspiration from the week, grab a drink, and join us for 45 minutes of lively conversations and networking. 🤝

See you soon,



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